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John Wanamaker and the Riddle of Life

“With many of us the riddle of life is still to be solved. Those who traveled before us along the same roads have left footprints as they struggled, fell down, hoped, despaired or persevered. This ought to be of value to us as we journey in our confidence of being able to reach the goal we have in view. The biographies, examples and cherished rules that influenced the lives of our fathers are great helps for all of us.”—J o h n W a n a m a k e r. Recently I started again to read the famous book, How to Win Friends & Influence People. Within those pages of a book written almost 100 years ago has a university’s worth of wisdom; which, to my knowledge, you won’t find in any university. In the very first chapter, Dale Carnegie, the author quotes John Wanamaker: John Wanamaker, founder of the stores that bear his name, once confessed: “I learned thirty years ago that it is foolish to scold. I have enough trouble overcoming my own limitations without fretting ...