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Still "Peddling" what People DON'T want?

I once heard a car salesman say, “I peddle metal.” Well, I disagree. To the extent I do “peddle” anything, I sell helpfulness and solutions. That to me is the heart of the sales experience. That’s what a good salesperson really does – identifies a need and fills it.

-      Marion Luna Brem

I think we all know what the car salesperson was trying to do, to be “cute” and “catchy” because cars are made of metal, and peddle… well, I’m sure you get the idea. He probably didn’t think that he “peddled” anything either but he certainly wasn’t aware of the “Power of words”; in marketing or manifesting; but that’s an article for another time (and blog post).

For the sales professional reading this, I hope you won’t simply glance at this and say “Sure, I know this (find a need and fill it) stuff” and move on. Let me ask you two questions:

Are you still selling something that you love and are literally trying to “push” and teach, train and educate people to want and buy? If people don’t want to buy it, if what you are selling went out with the typewriter, then STOP IT. If there is still a market for what you offer in another geographical area then move.

Here’s your second question. Have you proactively asked yourself what people need and then specifically in your client base, in your industry? If you haven’t sat down with a few industry magazines, the Internet and surveyed your clients lately as to what they “need” so you can “fill” it, you need to take out your calendar and schedule time to do so; but only if you want to remain a viable “go to” person for your product and service!

I have found a remarkable service which I’ve added to what I do that makes me “relevant” and “welcomed” that “gets me in the door; and even past the gatekeeper” with new prospects and even has my regular clients calling me. That’s because the service I offer them is absolutely free unless we get results and the service is getting them tax incentives they are missing out on and finding expense reductions in their business. When you explain you can save a business up to $9600 per employee, they listen.

Oh, and by the way, I also offer helpfulness and solutions! 

Would this interest you? First you have to be in any of the following:

Legal, Financial, Insurance, Business Consulting, or Real Estate.

Next, you have to reside and work in an area which we still have available.

To find out more, visit:


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