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Showing posts from June, 2017

Joe Girard, One of my Favorite Sales Mentors

Being sincere is the easiest part of selling. It’s simply a matter of caring about your customer and believing in what you sell. If you don’t feel this way, my advice to you is to seek other employment of find a product to sell that you believe in. Joe Girard ADVERTISEMENT/AFFILIATE OFFER(S): Start Taking Advantage of Linkedin to Drive Traffic, Generate Leads and Boost Your Revenue LEARN MORE .  "I’m only on the 1st module, and am already #1 as Sacramento Realtor." “I’m so excited that I bought your program… I’m only on the 1st module,  and am already #1 as Sacramento Realtor. That’s out of more than 1,600  so you can imagine my thrill. I would recommend this product to anyone  who wants to gain a greater presence on LinkedIn….(except, of course,  other Sacramento Realtors!). I seriously can’t wait to see what the  other modules will do for me!” Tamara Dorris, aka “Tambo” @SacramentoRealtor "I thought I'm a s...

Bruce Barton Quote, Magnetism

The essential element in personal magnetism is a consuming sincerity – an overwhelming faith in the importance of the work one has to do. Bruce Barton CLICK HERE to see today's special pricing.  Bruce Barton, Magnetism, Total MONEY Magnetism

Ter Scott on Money, Wealth and Success

Money, wealth, and success are all different things; otherwise, there would not be different words for each. - Ter Scott! Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant Would you like a unique business presentation at your next event?  Book the "Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant" to speak about  MONEY - MARKETING - MOTIVATION Would you like the "inside scoop" on running your business  instead of having your business run you?  Join Ter's waiting list to be considered for private coaching.  For booking or private coaching inquiries please complete form: E-mail Address: * Please confirm your email address: * Your Name please: * Company: Comments, questions, feedback: * * Required Free Contact Form Free Mini Course: How to Get a $60K/Yr Career in Digital Marketing   Secure, In Demand Careers  People can earn high salaries in Digital Ma...

Are you "Success MInded"?

You’ve got to be success minded. You’ve got to feel that things are coming your way when you’re out selling; otherwise, you won’t be able to sell anything. Curtis Carlson Here's a few ways to be "success minded":  This guy presents 10 ways how you can improve/market any type of business (he's talking about a practice, but it works for most any type of business):  The American International Association  (AIA)   is a private, members-only website with exclusive benefits and programs.  Our only prerequisites are that you be positive minded, helpful and creative rather than competitive towards each other. If you’re and action taker and want to continue to grow in knowledge, wealth and be on the cutting edge of your field then we welcome you!  CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS AND A VIDEO (which offers tips for any type of business!)

Overcome Any Objection; Here's how.

On any given Monday I am one sale closer and one idea away from being a millionaire. Larry D. Turner Grab a pen and paper and write down these “results rebuttals” from this 4 minute audio; FREE! Sales Techniques to Overcome Any Objection   A Client Could Possibly Throw At You!   CLICK HERE. 

Good morning. How is your "I Will" today?

I will! I am! I can! I will actualize my dream. I will press ahead. I will settle down and see it through. I will solve the problems. I will pay the price. I will never walk away from my dream until I see my dream walk away. Alert! Alive! Achieved! Robert Schuller Free Mini Course: How to Get a $60K/Yr Career in Digital Marketing   Secure, In Demand Careers  People can earn high salaries in Digital Marketing without years of experience or be a techie. I went from unemployed film grad to make a $100K Salary in 3 Years + income from freelancing and my own monthly clients, & you can too. WATCH SHORT VIDEO .  Get Paid to Write Quality Content from Home! Love Writing? We can help you build a career that lets you: Have flexible hours Choose topics you're passionate about Earn a great income doing what you love Write for blogs, ebooks, magazines, and more

The #1 Salesperson left his Company. Do you agree with his decision?

Recently, I heard the top salesperson of an organization make the statement, “I can’t endorse this product any longer.” A visiting consultant replied, “Then it’s time for you to go find a product or service you can endorse.” Within one week, the Number 1 salesperson for the organization left the company. Was that the right choice?  Yes.  When you don’t believe in your product or service, you’re being dishonest with your prospect and customers when you present the benefits and value of what you sell to them. Talk about internal turmoil! If you don’t believe in your product or service, and don’t have faith that it will accomplish what you say it will – then “it’s time for you to go”. Byron White Sales, Number 1 Salesperson, Byron White Learn many ways to make money on the Internet; free or low cost methods. Be an Internet BOSS.   Don’t miss out on the Internet BOSS’s pre-launch program. Info here.   If you are on LinkedIn, CHECK THIS OUT! W...

How to be Happy at Work…

How to be Happy at Work… Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. Confucius Job, work, Confucius Learn many ways to make money on the Internet; free or low cost methods. Be an Internet BOSS.   Is being a Life Coach for you? FIND OUT HERE.