Being sincere is the easiest part of selling. It’s simply a matter of caring about your customer and believing in what you sell. If you don’t feel this way, my advice to you is to seek other employment of find a product to sell that you believe in. Joe Girard ADVERTISEMENT/AFFILIATE OFFER(S): Start Taking Advantage of Linkedin to Drive Traffic, Generate Leads and Boost Your Revenue LEARN MORE . "I’m only on the 1st module, and am already #1 as Sacramento Realtor." “I’m so excited that I bought your program… I’m only on the 1st module, and am already #1 as Sacramento Realtor. That’s out of more than 1,600 so you can imagine my thrill. I would recommend this product to anyone who wants to gain a greater presence on LinkedIn….(except, of course, other Sacramento Realtors!). I seriously can’t wait to see what the other modules will do for me!” Tamara Dorris, aka “Tambo” @SacramentoRealtor "I thought I'm a s...