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Showing posts from July, 2017

Have passion for your product and the by-product is profit. Ter Scott, Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant

When you have a passion for your product, selling is the natural by-product of sharing the love. -       Kae Groshong This site is brought to you by Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant, Ter Scott.  Contact Ter Scott to speak or for private coaching .  Have you ever written an eBook?  eBooks are a great way to get your foot in the door to new clients. eBooks add credibility to what you and what it is that you do. I’ve been writing eBooks for years and sell on Amazon and on my website. I also give them away; it’s all good!  "You Too Can Now  Learn How to  Create, Secure and Sell eBooks   and PDFs Like a Pro and Start Your Own Information Product Business from Scratch... Guaranteed!" I will be conducting both an online course and also a physical classroom course based on this in the near future. Let me know that you are interested in the class by using my "Contact Ter Scott" link above...

Still "Peddling" what People DON'T want?

I once heard a car salesman say, “I peddle metal.” Well, I disagree. To the extent I do “peddle” anything, I sell helpfulness and solutions. That to me is the heart of the sales experience. That’s what a good salesperson really does – identifies a need and fills it. -       Marion Luna Brem I think we all know what the car salesperson was trying to do, to be “cute” and “catchy” because cars are made of metal, and peddle… well, I’m sure you get the idea. He probably didn’t think that he “peddled” anything either but he certainly wasn’t aware of the “Power of words”; in marketing or manifesting; but that’s an article for another time (and blog post). For the sales professional reading this, I hope you won’t simply glance at this and say “Sure, I know this (find a need and fill it) stuff” and move on. Let me ask you two questions: Are you still selling something that you love and are literally trying to “push” and teach, train and educate peo...

Stephen E. Heiman Photo and Quote

People buy for their own reasons,  not yours. -       Stephen E. Heiman Congrats for finding this page on the vast web and we hope these quotes will both inspire and encourage you to take action, your motivation has to come from within; its OK, trust yourself – you do have it! Start by disciplining yourself to visit here often and take in the wisdom of these sales “tips” as they are published by “Following by Email”. When you see a quote, write it down and use it in your selling and life’s situations; use it in your conversation and learn it as you would a “new” word. Do a search and learn a bit about the author of the quote and find and read books written by or about the author. Finally, enjoy! Stephen E. Heiman, Sales, Why People Buy

Roger Staubach and the Extra Mile

There are no traffic jams along the extra mile. – Roger Staubach When you read these quotes (you might want to “Follow by Email” somewhere on this page so you never miss one) I hope you take time to reflect on them; especially those which “speak” to you. There is a lot of wisdom condensed in few words. And, obviously these words “spoke” to the hearts and minds of at least a few people to have been remembered and recorded in time; and credited to the person who first “spoke” them. Write those that you like on a 3 x 5 card and read them a few times a day and then the wisdom will become yours. You’ll then be able to show people how “smart” you are by using them in conversation. For instance today when someone mentions a traffic jam in conversation, you could say, “Roger Staubach said that there are no traffic jams… (wait for it) along the “extra” mile! Or keep it in your memory bank and when you are doing a public speech or illustrating a point to a young person and just...

You do not Fail when you fall; fall forward and keep getting up.

Today I offer an interesting quote; especially since today is Friday and the “end” of the business week. However, when you are an entrepreneur and you love what you do, it is true; you never work a day in your life and, your “week” continues. But because you are in control of your time, you design “breaks” in your week so your “week end” and days at the lake, etc. can be any day and not just a Saturday or Sunday. So, if you think you had a “hard” week and maybe even “failed” seven days in a row, to borrow and paraphrase a beer commercial slogan, “this quote’s for you!” Fall down seven times. Stand up eight. -       Japanese Proverb You do not Fail when you fall; fall forward and keep getting up.  T er Scott! Life & Legacy Coach CLICK FOR BOOKING DETAILS Ter Scott Speaking or Private Coaching  CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS BONUS: I believe so much in Dr. Steve G. Jones' program that with your purchase,  I will gi...

Akio Morita, Sales Shoes Quote

Two shoe salesmen found themselves in a rustic part of Africa. The first salesman wired back to his head office: “There is no prospect of sales. No one here wears shoes!” The other salesman wired: “Now one wears shoes here. We can dominate the market. Send all possible stock.” - Akio Morita DROPSHIP DIRECTORY Make money in Drop shipping Akio Morita, Sony, Salesmen Shoe Story

Eisenhower Quote: Motivation

Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower                                                                                                      Are you a sales or business professional involved in any of these industries? Insurance (Life & Health), Financial Planning, Business Consulting, Real Estate, Law Do you want more clients? Would you like a proven way to get “in the door” because you ...